Don't fall victim to Shiny Object Syndrome -- a malady that afflicts
many otherwise talented marketers who tend to see new digital channels,
trends and buzzwords as silver bullets that will blow away their target audience. I'm frequently approached by marketers hype-notized by this or that sexy, new digital marketing tactic -- from Facebook to gamification to Instagram to Vine.
This often occurs when we choose emerging media simply because it's
"innovative," rather than helpful in achieving a particular goal. If
used for the right reasons, emerging channels can be very powerful. But
if used oafishly, they can flop magnificently. And not too many
entrepreneurs have time for magnificent flops.
Fortunately, there is an antidote for Shiny Object Syndrome.
Here are five questions to consider before taking the plunge with a new
digital marketing tactic:
1. What business problem are you trying to solve?
Have a goal to achieve so you can measure your success. Innovation is
about finding ways to fundamentally do things better. It's not about
using fancy new tools for the sake of using them. If you don't know what
it is you're trying to solve, the likelihood that an emerging digital
media tactic will solve it falls from slim to none.
2. Will this reach my customers?
Will a specific tactic you are considering to use actually get to the
customers you need to reach? For example, many small businesses are
focused on a specific geographic region, but most digital platforms have
no geographic boundaries. Others skew heavily toward either women or
men or a specific age range. Ask yourself: Will you be reaching the
audience that actually has the capability to buy your products? Will you
be spreading yourself too thin? Small business by definition means
limited resources. Don't squander them.
3. How do people use this channel?
Every emerging media opportunity serves a different purpose in people's
lives. People interact with Facebook differently than they do with
Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit or Foursquare just as they engage with smart
phones differently than they do with tablets or PCs. For example, people
use Pinterest for inspiration on fashion, dinner ideas and home
decorating. If you're in the business of selling computers, repairing
sinks or filling cavities, marketing on Pinterest is likely a waste of
your time. The goal is to be relevant and add value to people's lives.
Before you choose, think how people use.
4. Do you have the right resources?
I once had a teacher who told me there's no such thing as a free lunch.
It's easy to look at things that aren't paid media as free. But even
"free" things take resources. They take talent, skill and time. Do you
have someone on your staff who can dedicate the time required to market
effectively with this tactic? Before you start grasping for shiny
objects, make sure you have the resources in place to be successful with
whatever channel you choose.
5. Can you be awesome?
Do you have a truly great idea for a way to create impact with an
emerging channel? Maybe an emerging channel is the right way to go.
Digital marketers tend to focus on ROI, but the returns on being awesome
can be huge. Walgreens gave flu shot vouchers to people in need
whenever someone checked into a Walgreens store on Foursquare, donating
more than $6.3 million. They more than made up for the cost in publicity
and goodwill. That is being awesome.
If you are thoughtful about why you're using this channel to reach
your audience and you have a great idea, go for it. That's a recipe for
success. Just be sure you have a handle on the what, where, how, when
and why.
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