9 Twitter Tips and Tricks
Twitter is one of those tricky networks. The users who have been
on for the longest time will have more followers than those who are new
to the Twitter game. These Twitter tricks will help you get the most out
of your Twitter strategy, while increasing engagement and followers.
9 Tricks & Tips To Get "Good" At Twitter
1. Chose A Good Name
can be your business name or your personal name (Though, of course, you
can have both). The important thing to remember here is to create
something that is easy to remember and not too long. Remember—on
Twitter, characters count. If anyone Retweets you, your name will count
toward the total amount of characters used. I'd also avoid using too
many special characters, like the underscore and multiple vowels. For
example, if your name is Sheri but the Twitter handle @Sheri is taken,
don't go with @Sheriiiiiiii—how is anyone going to remember how many
i(s) there are? Keep it simple and keep it memorable.
2. Mind The Character Limit
only have a limited amount of characters in your hands to begin with.
My advice is to use only about 120 of the 140. The reason for which is
this: if someone Retweets you, you want your original tweet to stay in
tact, without them having to edit or abbreviate it. If you make your
Tweets too long, the Retweeter might have to shorten your tweet with
things like "2" instead of the word "to," or "u" instead of "you," and
"w/" instead of "with."
It just looks bad, and since the person
seeing the Retweet might not have seen your original Tweet, they might
take the altered, broken Tweet to mean you're illiterate. Okay, so maybe
that's the worst case scenario, but just avoid too many characters to
allow maximum Retweets.
3. The Hashtag Debate
originated on Twitter and they're still going strong. They used to be a
way to categorize and search content on Twitter. They still serve this
purpose, but as Twitter search has advanced, you don't necessarily need
to use hashtags to be found for that specific content. People use them
now as a way to make a final point or build community. I'd recommend
using two hashtags max, per Tweet.
4. Replying To People
many times, on Twitter, I see people starting their Tweets off with
someone's handle. For example: "@StephanieFrasco writes…"—Don't do this.
If you're going to start your Tweet with a Twitter handle, make sure
you put a period in front of it. This way it will show up on your
followers' Timelines. If you only put the Twitter handle (without the
period), Twitter sees it as a reply, and only the person you include in
the @handle will see the Tweet.
5. Favorite Tweets
This is
a great way to increase followers and to capture the attention of
Influencers who are Tweeting content that you like. By favoring a Tweet,
you get a smile from the person whose content you starred. It's likely
that they'll return the favor and follow you back. At least, I do.
Favoriting Tweets is also a great way to use Twitter as an RSS feed and
save content to read later.
6. Headlines Count
Make your
headlines short and sweet, yet to the point. Humor or newsworthiness
works best here. Think like a broadcast journalist. You need to capture
the attention of the reader instantly in order for them to take that
next step with you. A few things people love to click on via Twitter are
Top X lists, a promise of something to come, a call to action, or an
engaging question.
7. Don't Be A Walking Billboard
get the most out of Twitter, you need to mix up your content. Of
course, a little self-promotion is good, but it's not good if that's all
you do. You should have a mix of 40% engagement on others' content,
which includes replying to others and Retweeting them, 45%
keyword/industry related content to brand yourself as a thought leader.
If you create your own content this should be included here. The
remaining 15% could be straight out self-promotion. You want to showcase
yourself but, do so in a tasteful way that showcases your brand's
8. Listen To Others
By being a good social
listener on Twitter, you're giving yourself an advantage to infiltrate
different groups and Influencers on Twitter. "Infiltrate" might not be
the best word, but you can certainly gather intel and learn about your
competitors and what your customers like, what they want and what they
9. Timing Is Everything
In order to get the most bang for your Twitter buck, you should be Tweeting at the right times. According to RadiumOne,
there are two peak times at which you should Tweet during the day. They
are 10AM to 12PM and 8PM through 10PM. If you want to see the most
shares, with the highest click-through, you should be Tweeting from 12
noon to 2PM. Of course, this content regulation changes based on where
your audience is. Connect with your audience when they are online.
Bottom line.
What Twitter tricks do you use? What type of content is the most engaging for your audience?
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