And the discussion goes on. But are you making the right decision? True, there are a lot of things that draw the attention of the small business owner. But stop and take a look at your current website. Your current site isn't exactly how you'd like the world to perceive you is it?
Think back to when you started your small business. Remember? Back then, you'd have fixed something as important as your website. But, running a small business got the best of you. Well, it doesn't have to be this way and here's why.
90% of all purchases begin on the internet
Buyers are 54% of the way through the buying cycle before they ever engage with a sales person
That means that by the time you talk to a prospective small business customer, they've already been scouring the internet to help in their buying decision. If your website is not up to par, that's not good.78% of people trust opinions they read online
In 2013 more people will use mobile phones to get online than PCs
But why should you bother updating your website? After all, you have a website, right? It's not that bad is it? Well, maybe it's not, but does your website know how to display itself to a mobile device? Maybe it's not that your website is all that bad, but if you don't cater to people who are surfing using their iphones and other smartphones, you are missing the point.But why should you really work on this website thing?
Your website is your best employee working 24/7/365. Do you have any employees that work that hard? I didn't think so. Heck, even you took that lengthy coffee break last week when you told your business partner you were reviewing the tax filing. Your secret is safe with me.But working on our website is hard. I just want to be able to update it myself!
Working on your website doesn't have to be hard. You may want to switch over to a WordPress website. You'll find it so much easier to update. That's why WordPress has become so popular.
What's your biggest challenge with your small business website?
Originally appeared on Social Media Today -
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